Silent Pain

The pain.  It shot through his foot.  A nail.  He knew it immediately.  He kept quiet.  For to utter a word would give away the units location.  This was enemy territory. 
He glanced down.  Blood.  Not good.  It would leave a trail.  Taking his rifle sling, he made a quick tourniquet. The blood slowed.  He saw the signal to move forward.  The pain.  Quiet.
Many people move through life like the soldier.  Quietly walking in pain.  Never uttering a word.  Always silent.  Maybe this is you.  Maybe someone you know.  What do you do to help?
Peter writes in his letter to us that we pray, love, and serve.  Always pray: to be a good servant and for discernment.  Cover their insecurities and sins with love.  The same love Jesus gave to you.  Help them.  What ever it may take, listen, walk with them, at times carry their burden to give them rest.   Do not let them live in silent pain.