Today is Monday. First day of the week for many. Others it is just another day. Monday is significant for many because it starts a NEW week. That means the weekend is coming. With the weekend time off, relaxation, family time. So, it is just not another Monday. It is a starting point.
Yet, on the other hand for many it is just another day. Worked all weekend, have to work today. There seems to be no stopping or starting point. For a minister, there is no Monday. It is just one day after another. It is that way for police officers, military personal and their families, firefighters, and emergency trained people. There seems to be no stopping point or starting point.
Often times, Jesus would just take off and disappear. He would go into the mountains or some other remote location just to be alone, rest, and most importantly talk to the Father. This would happen before a major event. It was His stopping and starting point. It should be true for those following Jesus. Sunday should be our stopping and starting point for the week. It is that day where everything stops to just spend time with God the Father, Jesus our Savoir, and the Holy Spirit our Guide. It brings us back into focus as to what is really important and the direction that the week will take. Then we are ready for another week.
So is this just another Monday?