It’s The Lord’s Day!?!?
Statistically, speaking only 4% of the nation’s population will attend church this morning. The question is why only 4%? I am glad that you asked. Really, it is sad. The church in the past 50 years has lost its relevance upon the nation. No longer does it yield the power of God. It sits in apathy on the sidelines. The authenticity of it’s relationship with the Lord has been questioned by its lack of action, power, compassion and love for God and man.
Recently, a famous celebrity came out against the church by saying, “if Christians really believed they would be converting people. They would be actively engaging in sharing their beliefs opening and publicly.”
So the question is presented by the world, “do you truly believe?” If so, what are you going to do about it?
Thought for the day.
Our God
Psalm 33:20 -22:
Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and shield. For our heart is glad in Him because we trust in His holy name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us as we hope in You.
An old commentary wrote this: “This psalm is written with a people in mind. However the last verses could be a people, a couple, a family, or a church. It is the attitude of the soul of the people toward the Almighty Lord.”
I wonder, what would happen in our relationships if we heed David’s words? What would be the out come of a church? How would a married couple live? Just a thought.
What does our soul wait on? Where is your gladness? I know a lot of questions, but they are questions that need to be asked. They are questions that need to be answered individually, but as a group, a couple, as friends. As you pray this morning, how do you answer as a couple, friends, family, or church?
Wierd Nightly Sightings
Ever heard that bump in the night? You get up. Check every door. Check all the rooms. Nothing. Must be the imagination. So, go back to bed. Almost a sleep—–BANG!!!!!! Up again. Check everything. Nothing. Frustrating isn’t?
Last night was that for me. Went to sleep. Prayer cloth in hand. Asleep. BANG!!! Up check every door, every window. Checked the basement. Everywhere. Nothing. Went back to sleep with prayer cloth in hand. Woke up. Prayer cloth missing. Checked everywhere and finally found it on the communion table. Weird or not?
God works in strange ways. We often forget that simple fact. Really we ignore it. Since we can not explain it, we ignore it. Can I explain last night. No, but He did.
If we would just sit down and talk to God about the “strange events” in our life, He would explain them to us. It is just that we don’t listen, we imply our own understanding, or we just do not make time. Whatever the reason, we miss the opportunity to listen to the wisdom of our Lord and Savior. Take time to stop. Look. Enjoy. If is holding the hand of your spouse, watching your children, watching the sunrise, or just taking a breathe of air, stop and listen for the still small voice of wisdom. Thought for the day.
PS What Mark with a prayer cloth? Strange I know. Someone special gave it to me. I followed her instructions. Another thought for the day.
Asbury College
A revival among the student body broke out at Asbury University. What started as a simple chapel service grew into something far more and far reaching. God’s Spirit moved among them. They began to seek out God in a simplistic way: God: Almighty God, break me, mold me, give me a voice. Hundreds if not thousands have flocked to Asbury in Kentucky just to see for themselves. It is humbling, I have been told.
My prayer is that this movement of God, moves into the churches. That the churches break out into revival and people come to know Christ. I ask God for that movement everyday. Time grows short. People are dying. They need to see Jesus more than ever. IT is time for the church to break out into revival.
Problems with the Spouse
The number one cause for divorce (depending upon your source) is communication. Some will tell you money. I think it is a tie. Fights, arguments, long sleepless nights, days of silence, and dirty looks, these are all the result of not talking things through. The Bible states, “do not let the sun do down on your anger.” These means for married couples, talk before you go to bed. Come to a conclusion.
To come to an conclusion, there must be some rules. Maybe there is a room only for heated debates. Within 30 minutes there must be a conclusion. No raising one’s voice. No throwing objects (that is a good one). What ever the rules, this one must be: always speak the truth with love. Love your spouse.
The word love is a term that we have cheapened dramatically. It is a term of endearment. It is a term which tells the other, you would die for them. Yes you read it correctly, you would die for them. God is love. God died for you. That is love.
When going into a heated conversation, ask yourself: Will I die for them? If so, how? Think about it.
Death is a scary topic. Over 41% of the people in the United States are afraid of dying. About 20% are somewhat afraid of dying. Death is not a popular subject, even in the church. An old pole done by a Christian magazine stated that 25% of the people in the church are afraid of dying.
Why are people afraid of death? Is it the fear of the unknown? Is it the fear of missing out what is happening here on earth? Why are people scared. The unknown was the first answer. What happens to me when I die? Am I a worm feast and that is it? What about my conscious? Many questions, which society does not answer.
Jesus did answer those questions. He stated that there was a soul. That soul is eternal. That soul would go somewhere and he presented two options: heaven or hell. However to live eternally He stated that one had to know Him. “I am the resurrection and the life, Whoever believes in me, though he die, yest shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.” John11: 25 & 26
Simple response to a difficult problem. The real issue is do you believe HIM? Think about it.
Listen to the Voice
When Jesus started his dialogue with the religious leaders in John 10, He started by explaining that the sheep listen to the shepherd. They know his voice. They respond to his voice. The find comfort in his voice. They followed his voice.
The religious leaders of that time did not listen and could really care less as long as they did things their way. It is the same today. Few are interested in hearing the voice of the shepherd. Most are interested in entertainment, emotional hype, fancy cars and homes, fine clothes and fine wine, and all the stuff the world offers.
Read the book of Acts. Ask yourself these questions: where did Peter live? what did Peter wear? where was the apostles focus? where did Paul call home? did Paul have the latest and decked out chariot for his travels?
You will be amazed that these items of the world were the least of the apostles concerns. Paul had no home. He walked everywhere. Peter as far as we know did not have a home. He traveled by foot. Yet, God provided for them as they listened to the voice of the Great Shepherd.
What about you? Are you listening to the voice of the Great Shepherd? Are you focused on Him? Look at your life and think about it.
An elderly woman walked into the local country church. The friendly usher greeted her at the door and helped her up the flight of steps.
“Where would you like to sit?” he asked politely.
“The front row please.” she answered.
“You really don’t want to do that”, the usher said, “The pastor is really boring.”
“Do you happen to know who I am?” the woman inquired.
“No.” he said.
“I’m the pastor’s mother,” she replied indignantly.
“Do you know who I am?” he asked.
“No.” she said.
“Good,” he answered.
Good Shepherd
Shepherds are strange people. Their dedication to their sheep is crazy. There is a story of a shepherd in Turkey, who fought of robbers to protect his sheep only to die from his injuries hours later. Who would protect such an animal? After all sheep are not smart animals.
Jesus told the religious people that He was the Good Shepherd. He know His sheep and they know Him. He also stated that He would protect, provide, and even die for His flock. He provided that at Calvary. It is sad that His sheep have stopped listening as they should. The sheep have scattered to other ideas, false theologies, lies, and robbers and thieves. The voice of the shepherd has been blocked by the world.
This week, get alone with God. Listen for the shepherds voice. Maybe I have written this before, but it can not be said enough. If you do not know the shepherds voice here and now, when you stand before Him on judgment day, you definitatly will. Think about it.
It is a joy to watch the shepherds in Scotland tend their sheep. They are assisted by a dog. The dog guides the sheep and keeps them corralled. I did notice this simple fact: the dogs are loyal to the shepherd but not the sheep. The shepherd is loyal to the sheep. He knows them and they know him. Most shepherds have a special whistle or sound to which the sheep respond. They only respond to him.
When Jesus stated that: “I am the good shepherd…..” he made some claims with His statement. He stated that His sheep knew His voice and only His voice. Do you hear the voice of the shepherd today? Do you hear His words of guidance, feel His staff of direction, and know when He directs you to lay? Do you?
It is an interesting thing about sheep. They are very dumb. However whenever they become bonded with the shepherd they hear only His voice. How about you? Who’s voice do you hear?