What I Admire about Jesus
Different title, I know.
Jesus died on the cross for our sins. His blood cleanses our conscious of guilt. The Blood shed on the cross is for God. It is the blood offering He requires to give forgiveness. The cross is for our deliverance. By this we have peace with God. God is at peace with us.
Peace brings unity, healing, compassion, growth, love. A soul that brings this traits to the table, lives these traits, is at peace with God and self. Fully understanding the blood of Christ and the deliverance of the cross. This is the person that you do not like to leave your parties and family gatherings. This person is not only at peace but in the full love of Christ, because of peace. Love is the decision of placing another before yourself no matter the cost. Again, look at the cross to see the full depth of love.
However this possess a question: how is that peace broken? We break that peace when we go against the commandments, the lifestyle of Christ, and the nature of God. We break the peace. The peace is already there. God has given it to us. Once we break the peace we should yearn for it to return as did David. Many do not care if they break the peace, because they bring discord, destruction, division, disunity, and death. Notice all the d’s.
It is simple to return to peace, repent. David cried out to the Lord, Peter wept, Jeremiah cried out. That peace is always there, all we have to do to return to it, is ask forgiveness with a broken heart. He will forgive.
Think about it. Pray about it. Thanks to Watchman Nee’s book The Normal Christian and Beloved.
The Vine
This past Sunday I preached a sermon from John 15: 1 – 11. To be honest, it was a dud. I missed some important points, which was taught to me yesterday. It is funny how Jesus will teach you.
One point that I missed was that as branches in the vine, God often times will prune us so that we will grow more fruit. Sometimes it is a removal of a sin. Sometimes it is the stopping or holding of a relationship. Sometimes it is painful. Ok, to be honest any pruning is painful. It is not easy.
However, two things must be said about pruning. First, if you are being pruned it states to you and the world that God loves you. Second, it is to get you ready to bear more fruit, grow in a relationship, prepare for the times ahead, it could be a host of reasons that God only knows. But rest assured, if God prunes something will happen soon. Right Beloved.
Today, look at your life. Feel that cut, the pain. That might not be what you think. It could be God removing, holding or shaping something in our life, getting us ready for what is to come.
Think about. Most of all, pray to God about it.
What I love about Jesus (part 2)
Men are different creatures. Emotions is not as important to us as is strength, power, and authority. These three items catch a true man’s attention and respect. Please note, for a man respect is a sign of love. Men will respect other men that have power, strength, and authority.
Jesus demonstrated all three in perfect union, in perfect fashion. True power, strength, and authority does not need a stage, lights, fancy clothes, or a dual exhaust chariot. True power is always under control, which takes great strength. Great strength is always under the authority of great control. The Roman Centurion understood these three items. He as a Gentile, asked Jesus only to say the word and his servant would be healed. No theatrics. No fancy entrance. True power needs none of theses. The Centurion understood. Thus a simple powerful request. A simple powerful answer from Jesus. This event is found in Matthew 8. Read it.
The strongest men that I have met, were men that totally followed Christ. They had to endure ridicule for their beliefs. They performed miracles behind the scenes, wanting no attention drawn to themselves. Enduring personal hardships, that grew others. No theatrics. No flashing lights. No $27,000 Timex. Just pure, raw, Holy Spirit power. Jesus never had a lot. If I remember correctly, he had only what he wore. Yet, the simplicity of his life, demonstrated the power he possessed. The power all Christians should possess. The power all men should strive to have in their lives.
Just a thought. Think about it.
What I love about Jesus
I watch people. Myself included. It is interesting to watch how one reacts to different circumstances. What is more fascinating is how others react. Beloved, bear with me. People on drugs for instance. They are looked down up, shunned, judged. Yet, often they are tossed aside. There are others, while dealing with different problems are still shunned, judged, put down. The addicted, the spiritual hurting, the battered souls are left without hope. They return to their addiction, their confusion, their lostness.
Jesus did not ignore these people. He did not ignore the prostitute. He did not ignore the outcast. Instead, he knelt and talked to them. He would take a seat beside them and listen. Always healing. Always bringing joy, love, hope. He never refused an opportunity to show acceptance and love.
What I love about Jesus is that He accepted me. He has accepted you. No matter what situation you are in. No matter how people view you or you view yourself, Jesus loves you and accepts you. It does mean that from the ashes of your life, He will create someone strong, handsome, beautiful, enduring, and most of a person who will be loved and will love.
Stop. Talk to Jesus. Thanks Beloved for the words. Think about it.
The Coffee Pot
During the days of working in the office, the gathering place was the coffee pot. It was the place to exchange “information” (which is called gossip), tell stories, laugh, or cry. It was the gathering place. To this day, the coffee pot is still the place to meet, except we now call it the coffee shop. Free WI-fi, story times, music, open mike nights, you get the idea. A place to gather, to talk, to meet, to share “information.”
The coffee pot is important. It represents a place of gathering, a place of sharing. That desire has never changed through out the generations. Each generation needs a coffee pot. My coffee pot is in emails, which is not a good source of interaction by the way. However it works for the time being. Personal interaction is the best.
Jesus understood the coffee pot idea, That is why He came to earth. To inter act with us on a personal level. When He left, He left His Spirit to interact with us on a personal level. The coffee pot now is prayer. Do you meet Jesus at the coffee pot? Just a thought
Rain, Wind and Gas Milage
Yesterday, I went to my mother’s for a visit. We had a great time. Moved posts, boxes, hung a new light. Took her out to eat.
This morning I woke up at her house to wind and rain. After drinking two cups of coffee, I ventured out to return home. It was raining hard. The wind was from the east. I noticed that a flag was flying straight out west. After an hour and half of driving, I pulled over and bought gas. When I returned to the car, I noticed that the gas mileage was 24.9 mpg. That is down 8 miles per gallon. The wind had that much effect on the car.
Life is the same way. When ever we go against God’s Word, it is like fighting a vicious wind. Life becomes difficult. It takes effort to go through each moment, when before it was simple, easy. Having a difficult time? Check and see if you are with God’s will or against it. Makes all the difference. Just a thought.
It’s a Heart Song!
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above Praise the mount, I’m fixed upon it Mount of Thy redeeming loveIn the churches today the big disagreement is the music. It is really the vehicle in which the lyrics is presented, i.e. rock, jazz, country western, or hymnal. So we focus on the genre of music, ignoring the words and message of the lyrics. We have been looking at Come Thou Fount. Old song, powerful words. Recently, I have heard this song put to jazz. It was awesome, the meaning of the words did not change.
“Teach me some melodious sonnet, sung by flaming tongues above.” In this song, the singer has invited God to attend. Asked God to tune or align their heart with the heart of God. Gave praise for the undeserving mercy received not only for themselves, but for their family friends, loved ones. Now, the author turns our attention to asking God to teach us the songs of the heavenly. He states, “Lord teach me what they sing in heaven.” We are asking to sing the songs sung in heaven now, before we get to heaven.
In a sense, we are asking God to bring heaven to our worship service. With that request, we are asking to sing the song they sing before Him every day. What a request. Just think if heaven came to our worship, what would happen? Grasping that redeeming love would be so amazing, so fulfilling, so rewarding. Watch the words you sing. You will be amazed at what you are asking God to do. Think about it.
Is it just a Song?!?
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praiseTeach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above Praise the mount, I’m fixed upon it Mount of Thy redeeming loveI watch people during the “worship service,” which every equates to the song service. Most just sing the words without noticing the meaning. Even in contemporary services this is still true. The beat of the drums, the lead guitar, the loud bass, the music gets everyone’s attention, not the words. No matter how hard the worship leader for either genre tries to get the crowd to pay attention to the words, it’s the music that is the lead.
So at the end of the service, we sing 100 stanzas of Just as I Am or 7 words 11 times of a contemporary song just to drive home a point. So Just as I AM, turns into “please hurry up the Methodist is beating us to the restaurants.” Or for the contemporary it is turn up the bass.
But look at the words of this famous hymn, Come thou Fount. Yesterday we looked at the first three lines, let’s look at a few more. “Streams of mercy never ceasing.” Sounds pretty simple. God’s mercy. Yes, we receive it. Next song. But stop. What about this continuous mercy? It flows not only to you, it also flows to your family. It flows to your spouse, your children, your grandchildren. This undeserved attribute of God is freely given, does it not call for songs of loudest praise? If we sung like we were at a sporting event, the church would rock. Loudest praise for His with holding of judgment. Loudest praise for His care over us. Loudest praise for His sacrifice for our sins. It is just more than a song, it is a cry of thanksgiving for what we do not deserve. Think about it.
It’s just a song?!?!
Come Thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace Streams of mercy never ceasing Call for songs of loudest praiseThere is a great concern over the newer songs. Yet, there is a great apathy over the hymns. For instance, gaze upon the first few words of Come Thou Fount. Old song, we often sing without thinking.
Well, let’s think. The first word of the song is Come. This is strange to ask an omnipresent being to come to a place, He already is. It is not the fact that He is already there, it is the fact that the singer is inviting Him to come. The invitation is all important. God will not be where He is not wanted. The first word states, God, I want you here. He will come. Then the fun begins. God cannot dwell where there is sin. So the next line states “tune my heart.” which means change my heart. Deal with my sin. Deal with my rebellion. Bring me to a point that I can truly sing honestly about your grace.
I know that many people do not like the old hymns, but the power behind the wording can not be disputed. When they are sung in a reverent and worshipful manner, God’s power is unleashed. God is then (to coin a phrase) in the house. Think about it. Think about the words the next time you sing them.
Relationship Facts
Late night last night. Company came and stayed until midnight. Up early.
Jesus said, “I am the vine and you are the branches.” His point is that in life you can not live without Him. He supplies the nourishment that you need to live. The branches produces fruit from what nourishment it receives from the vine. Apart from the vine, the branch dies.
While Jesus is talking about a relationship with Him, it is true with any relationship. If there is no nourishment, no communication, no investment, the relationship dies. As the branch must abide in Christ to live, any relationship must have a commitment. For there to be growth, in Christ, there will be growth and fruit. Same is true in any relationship, there must be growth, there must be fruit. No growth, no fruit, according to Jesus, no relationship.
Look at your relationships today. Ponder. The first relationship that must be is that one with Christ. It is life. Look at your other relationships. Ask, is there fruit? If not, why? If not, is that relationship getting nourishment? Why not? Do you truly need that relationship or do you need to start properly nourishing it?
Thought for the day.